How Wordpress works
If you decide to publish a website with a software, then you might want to automate the creation of your emails using the same publishing software on both HTML and plain text. Instead of handcodding, you might want to let your website publishing tool do the work. Wordpress is probably the most popular tool which allows a straightforward process that consists in three parts: categories, pages and templates. Categories are used to tag content, templates display content tags with the email newsletter category and the pages then use the template to display the content.
First of all, you create a category called “Newsletter” and get an ID and then, you create posts, tag with “Newsletter” category and add custom fields “explore link icon” and “image thumbnail”. Each category has a unique ID which for the newsletters is 3. The post may include the logo, a description or a link. Furthermore, you create a template with the name “Email Newsletter”, use query-post to display 4 most recent entries tagged with category “Newsletter”. Finally, you create a page, assign template “Email Newsletter' and publish it.