Automate the creation of your emails
If you publish a website using software and your emails include content from your website, it is possible to automate the creation of your email newsletters, both in HTML and plain text. When you choose this method, automating takes time to set up so if you publish emails every few months, it might not worth the effort. The best part is that you can take advantage of almost any tool that uses templates to display your web pages.
In Wordpress, for instance, you can use categories to organize you content for email newsletters. You simply categorize all the content you want to appear in your email newsletter with the email newsletter category and then you create a page called “Newsletter”, you use a template assigned to this page and you update it. Then you can view it because all the content is generated dynamically.
Thus, you can have complete different stories each month but every time you want to generate an email, you just go to the URL for a newsletter that is generated by a publishing tool, you view source, copy and paste all of the code and then copy and paste into your email delivery service. Moreover, there are some email delivery services that let you just to use the URL which makes things even simpler.
Automating the creation of your emails might be very useful so you should pay increased attention this detail.